Now ~~ This is the aftermath (?) of the event in which consist of bittersweet feelings ~~ haha ~~ i want to try to not include the name of the events and name of people to prevent in case this blogspot comes up in google ~~ better be safe ~~ haha ~~ cause although I was glad to have an opportunity ~~ i learn that there are people who are juz ... how do i put it ... lets just say .... simply... just we do not get along well... >-< yeah
Let's just go straight to the point since this is like way overdue and I can't really rmb much of what happen ~ so our meeting are all held at the school and the school is like so so so far away from me ~~ the travelling time is crazy and i dont usually complain bout travelling but i go there and nothing happens ._. for like the whole day !!! Those meeting usually take up one whole day and the content is seriously ... what is the point if you bring me all the way to talk about stuff we already talk bout in whatsapp ._. seriously !! and the volunteer meeting too .... there is no need for so many of them ._. ~ waste ppl time too~
On the event day itself, I rush down after my own rehearsal (I had performance that time so I was like doing these two and I have school as well >< ) ~~ and i learnt that the rehearsal for this event did not really go well as planned ~~ so technically the performers didn't get to rehearse >-< ~ and i feel that this kinda lead to problems later on ~~ and yeah >-< it was pretty messy on that day....
Let's just talk about happy stuff 1st ~ so i knew that a lot of effort are put into shows but experiencing it 1st hand is just wow !! ~ It takes a lot of effort to coordinate every single part too ~~ and some ppl are not really helping ._. ~~ but im really thankful for my team ~~ i selected them through the interview and i am so so SO glad that i picked the right people !!! ~~ and let me say Lunafly are really really nice ~~ i think partially cause Sam can speak english so he spoke to the people backstage ~~ and i can see other members getting pretty lost and what he was saying ~~ i had to tell them to be careful cause the stage was slippery and i didnt know how to say it in korean so teo was looking at me totally clueless of what i was saying haha ~~ Ooooh and lunafly took a selca with me ~~ Yun took my phone to take the selca ^^ ~~ i thought that was very nice of him
Lunafly ^^
Now onward to the not so pleasant stuff ... throughout the whole process ~~ the thing that got me the most upset is that ... we are all allocated to a certain section in which we are in charge of ~~ there are logistics, marketing and so on and i was in charge of backstage/production ~~ i mean since we are all in charge of our own parts we should be doing our own parts ~ why do certain people have to come in and do EVERYTHING ~~ it's not like i didnt do my part but why do people have to barge in and do everything and like you dont even inform me ~~ then why do you need me in the 1st place ~~ to tell you what i know so you can do everything??!! and during the event day cause why do you have to come in to my territory and try to take over certain thing ~~ i was so angry/upset that i almost cried !! you know what ~~ it is a teamwork for a reason... unless you wan to organize the whole event by yourself ... ._. ~~ i mean why on earth do you call the performers when i was the one informing them and emailing them ~~ I can step down and let you do everything.... would that be better for you??!! I VOLUNTEERED MY TIME and you treat me like this ... seriously ....
And after the event ~ i realized they changed the password to the google drive .... i was really angry too !! I mean i understand that stuff belongs to them ~~ BUT HOW CAN YOU LOCK ME OUT OF MY OWN INFO THAT I PROVIDED !!! seriously.... i just ..... >:(!!
Haiz..... this was a first for me ~~ i have my ups and downs ~~ and i learn to work with different types of people ~~ i would say the auditions was quite successful and the event itself is okay ~~ cause i did not have as much control as i hoped i would have on the event ~~ i was really glad when everything ended cause i need a break from all these ~~ especially being treated like that when i volunteered for it ~~ but i have to say the backstage team that i picked is really really good !! picking the right team is really very very important ~~ even though i did not get a good main exco team ~~ I am really glad to work with every single one of my backstage team !! ^^
As for whether i would do this again.... it really depends on the main team ... even though im doing something i like... sometimes the person you work with is really important... we will see how it goes ... unless they invite Bigbang or B.A.P ~~ ahhhh then i have an incentive haha ~~ lets just see ...
XOXO, Hugs and kisses