Okay the main point of this ~~ the end of ways of wandering ~~ which was a couple months ago >< ~ continuing the being way overdue trend ~~
In general ~~ it was a good end to everything that happens ~~ no more really early morning rehearsals that are super super tiring cause the things we do are soo physically demanding ~~ after the 1st day i had muscle ache ~~ that is how physically demanding it is >.< ~~ but im glad to be able to work with that bunch of people in which we have very good chemistry together ^^ ~~ caused we had to learn a lot of things very fast and im amazed at how well we all are able to create pieces and able to move so fast with these pieces !! and it was also nice to be able to this with N again with all our usual nonsense and stuff ~~
Look at my zebra pants that I got !! haha
This is against my no track pants policy ~
I learn quite a lot from doing this show ~ not just things but also about myself ~ Learning to accept changes to your work ~ something what we produce in perfect in our mind but sometimes in order to let it fit into other people work changes are need ~ 'Don't be too precious!' ~was the biggest thing that i learnt from this ~ i mean i'm always open to criticism in my work but still i may a bit defensive about it sometime ~ but learning to let go of it feel actually pretty good ~ letting go of something could let you discover much better things then you actually had in the first place ~ and learning to not hold grudges for people that changes your 'perfect' work is harder than i thought haha ~ i mean i spend a lot of effort/time and you want to change it ~ it is reasonable to feel frustrated/upset right?? ~hahaha
And adding to that ~ the actual performance that was put up consists of Impromptu stuff ~ many last minute changes and unexpected lags and wow ~ it amazes me how did we pull it off so naturally cause it was literally made up on the spot !! ~ so amazing the bunch of people that i was with ^^ ~ but there was a certain set that we did ~ that india kungfu thing ~ called kalari(?) ~ i forgot but that was SUPER TIRING -.- ~~ wow that is juz one word 累 ~
这个~ 累死我
And also ~ thank you to the people who came down to see it ~~ i mean it was like so early in the morning 0.0 ~ I'm a bit questionable on why did i ask my mum and dad to go ~ cause this was not a typical show and it was quite experimental so ~ but im kinda glad they came ~ at least they get to see what i am doing ~ and thank you eehui n sam for coming too ~ i know it was super early >.< ~and thanks for the flower n the cupcake ^^ ~and dar i know you read this so its okay you couldnt come haha !!
hahah this is just pure awesome that sam took
♥ ♥ ♥
To summarize ~ i enjoyed this whole thing ^^ even though it is super super tiring ~~ community theatre is awesome ~ sharing your story with other people and seeing the impact these leave on them ~ people's reaction are the best payback you can get !! ~ it doesn't have to be an applause ~ a simple smile or a nod is just as powerful ~ Sharda said someone "aw~" when i blew my kisses ~ that was awesome haha ^^ ~ it just kinda brought me back to why i love performing ~ this is not just about doing something that i like ~ it is also about the impact that i can leave on someone else ~ even if it was just a little moment ^^
XOXO, Hugs & Kisses
okay first to comment this time round and the first to correct your mistake! HAHA! *ignoring the first para of your post*
should be '' let it fit'' and not ''let in fit'' :D accept this change. hahahahha
IKR! that perfect shot when your dad looked into my camera
hhahahha ok I wont correct your errors here :p
but yea glad u enjoyed urself dar :D
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